Our Classes


What Do Our Prenatal Classes  Look Like?


This page will help connect you to Langley’s Labour and Delivery class. It is a one evening, three hour class jam packed with realistic, factual and insightful information about what to expect when delivering your baby. Experienced Registered Nurses teach about current practices used in Labour and Delivery, including what to expect in the weeks and days before labour begins, when to come to hospital, comfort measures, both natural and medicated. The different stages of labour will be discussed along with coping strategies and possible interventions. This class is taught in a laid back, fun, interactive setting, where your own questions and fears are addressed. The small class sizes and affordable price make this a must on your to do list before baby arrives.

Here is a picture of one of our instructors teaching our class:

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Our Mission


As Nurses working in Labour and Delivery we strongly believe that this class provides an essential service to childbearing families in our community. We strive to maintain a fun, educational, and affordable class that is not otherwise available. Our goal is to educate couples about what to expect throughout their labour process and provide them with coping strategies that will improve their childbirth experience.